
24 June 2004

wedding things... 

So I am back to work today, and for the most part recovered from the large amounts of Versed and Demerol that were pumped into me on Tuesday morning...And it is like I never even left…I have not decided as of yet if that is a good thing or a bad thing…when I decided, I’ll let you know…
Not much really to say…I finally placed my dress order for Andrea’s wedding, now I just have to get the shoes and the purse to go along with it all…I think that I am going to go with one of the following shoes: Shoe A or Shoe B.
As for purses, I found the following one and it was not that expensive and I actually like the way it looks. Andrea decided that she wants our shoes to match our dresses, and I figure that I am just going to get the purse while I am at it rather than dealing with trying to find a purse that matches later on or god forbid, trying to get a purse dyed the exact same colour later on…that is just one headache that I do not need right now!

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