
12 July 2004

I have been having some pain in my shoulder/arm/neck this past weekend. So, this morning I called the doctors office to get an appointment. Well…they had an opening for the morning – an hour from then and I was still in my PJ’s trying to drink my first cup of coffee…I was not a happy camper. I was even less happy when I found out that I would not be seeing my doctor, but the nasty Nurse. Yes, the same on that asked if I had been “very friendly” with “a lot of different men” before I “rediscovered your true gift from god and reclaimed your virginity”…um lady…I never said ANY of those things…You took it upon yourself to come up with these ideas…But anyway, she gave me a scrip for muscle relaxers and sent me on my way. I dropped them off and was told that they would be ready in about 20 minutes. Okay, I can live with that. I walked around the city a bit and then went back to pick up the rx about 40 minutes later. They told me that there were at least 5 people waiting in front of me and they were not sure how long it would be, but that I could wait if I wanted to. I asked them until what time they were open (10:00pm, 22:00hrs) and I said that I would be back before they closed. The funny thing is, the rx tech tried to convince me to stay and wait for the rx. I asked her again if she knew how long it would be, and once again she replied “The pharmacist apologizes for the delay and we will have your medicine ready for you shortly if you will just wait.” …Ummm…so, if I did leave they would not have it ready any time soon? Does this mean that when I go back tonight after work, it still will not be ready? I really have to wonder sometimes, you know. So I left and went to work. It has been a pretty busy day here. Running to and fro. But soon, it will be time to leave. I was going to meet up with a friend after work to pick up but my rx and a drink – she had a very good laugh when she found out what the rx was for…I promised her that I would have a drink first and then a few hours later (like right before bed) I would take the medicine. Still, she laughed. It is a good thing that she laughed before as I have just received and e-mail from her telling me that she has to cancel our drink so that she can finish up working on a nasty situation at work…oh well…it is probably better in the long run.
Oh, on a happy note The Kitten Turns 3 tomorrow. I am thinking that he may get an extra “wet food” day for it…

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