
19 July 2004

to whom do I give credit? 

I found one of the oddest comments today (when I checked my e-mail this morning) on LJ…
From my entry on the 8th of this month, which they quoted, and then responded:

But the front closures on them feel a bit different than the regular closures that are in the back.

Oh, gosh - the front closure must rank as one of mankind's most important achivements, next to fire and the wheel. Just think - the back hook-and-loop closure is almost impossible to navigate, and while I am a fan of tantalization and titillation (pun intended), "fumbling awkwardly" doesn't build the suspense at all. No, the front closure is the thing. Most of them are built so that a light hold and some gentle thumb action to get the nipples interested through the cloth can lead easily to a quick pop! and there you are. What more could you or your partner want? No more awkward high-school groping, no need to hike yourself up from the bed or couch. Go from "interested" to "involved" in a quick moment.”

I am guessing VA from the ISP…anyone want to own up to it?

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