
25 August 2004

I ended up leaving early on Monday, as my Father called me to tell me that Monday was the only day that he could meet me for dinner, so when would I be home. I really needed to stay at work, but considering that I don’t get to see him that often and needed to talk to my father about my Grandfather estate and when the money will be unlocked I said that I would leave and come back later. I told him that my apartment was a mess and that he would have to forgive me for that. He was fine with that. I left work, dropped some stuff off at Phil’s place, arranged out morning meeting time (7:00 am) and went to the store. While there, my Father called me to tell me that he had invited a co-worker of his to dinner. Grrr! Now I really had to go home and clean quickly!
So I run about the store, and then rushed home to make dinner and do a fast cleaning of the apartment. I got the cleaning done, and was wrapping up the vacuum cleaner cord as they called from the front door, talk about cutting it close.
Over all, the dinner went well. Beverly (the co-worker) was very please with the dinner and was happy to see all of the fresh veggies that went into making the dinner. For dessert, we had more of the blackberry cobbler that I had made on Sunday.
Over all, a successful last minute dinner party!

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