
04 October 2004

This past weekend was wonderfully uneventful for the most part. Friday after I got home, I hung out with Becky for coffee and shopping. We ended up shopping at some of the most unlikely stores – Rite Aid, CVS and Giant Food. I can only speak for myself, but I enjoyed our evening together!
Saturday I went over to Kevin’s for tea and cake, ran into an ex – but that is another story for another time - came into the lab for a bit and then ran into a roomie from college which was nice. She and I had some dinner and just caught up. She is now living in the apartment that Dave and I lived in together – it was very odd to see how different it looks. It was also sad for me to find out that they totally re-did the kitchen and Dave’s bathroom and both are much nicer then the ones that we had.
Sunday was a day of rest. My Father called and informed me that as of tonight I will be car-less again. I have no problem with him taking back HIS car, but a bit of notice would have been helpful as I now have to figure out how to get to a doctor appointment on Tuesday morning. Oh well, back to the cells as things are busy here…

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