
10 November 2004

evolution, cont.... 

So in another part of my life, I help moderate a science forum that is run by the feds(but it is open to all – they run it just so that it is free!). In one of the forum’s today someone tried to start a debate about if evolution was an actually event or not. The question/comment was:
“i always hear the same examples; antibiotics resistance of bacteria, ddt , anemia examples…. These are all invalid. Just please tell me one valid example of beneficial mutation if there is. Also backup your example please. By the way i suggest you to check this before you write http://www.evolutiondeceit.com/”
Any thoughts or ideas from all of you out there?
Ummm….we are a bunch of science people – I would have say – almost all of us believe in evolution. Granted we don’t always agree on all the parts but the over all idea of it – I would have to say so! What kind of debates do science people have over evolution? Here is one: there has been a huge debate going on for years about what came first - DNA or RNA and which subset of each etc…
Hey in science, we don’t always get of the lab very often.
But any way I could not stop laughing when one of the members posted the following:
“Snifffff.... Snifffff... I smell creationist - anyone else?”
At least we all were able to laugh about it – but it still does tick me off…you know?

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