01 December 2004

(thanks to ippf.org)
14,000 people will be infected with HIV
7,700 of them will be 24 or younger
7,500 - more than half- will be women or girls.
Visit the Aids Quilt Site for more information and see to images of the Aids Quilt. There are more than 82,838 names on the total quilt which is 1,278,675 sf. This project only represents about 17.5% of all person in the United States of America that have died from HIV/AIDS.
Here in the Nations Capitol is estimated that between 1:12 to 1:20 people have HIV/AIDS, which is the highest rate per person in the country.
To those that I have been lucky enough to have known, that have lost their lives to this terrible disease you will never be forgotten.
For those that I know living with HIV/AIDS, you have not allowed this disease to control and determine who you are, thank you.