
13 December 2004

Top 10 from NYC this past weekend! 

1 yes I already knew it -€“ but living space is at premium in NYC and the area around it– no matter were one is living. The housing prices are amazing to see!
2 NY’s health department has not yet banned the use of razor blades while getting a pedicure - €“ both KD and I are very grateful!
3 While on our way to Canal Street on Saturday, one woman in particular was - €œcoming down - € and it was just no a pretty site to see and hear her. It was even worse when she flipped out and called us names when no one gave her any money -€“ I think that the whole train was a bit worried that she was going to fly off and attack someone.
4 The corner shop can make some REALLY yummy breakfast sandwiches! And they are cheap too!
5 KD found out that I really don'€™t move in my sleep -€“ I tend to bang around in bed!
6 I got some new bags this weekend - yes bags and not shoes -€“ one we will just call a work of art and leave it at that - I'€™ll try to get some pictures of it posted at some point!
7 KD’s roomies and friends are all very nice
8 I will remember to get onto the "œquite" train car from now on - little children being little children, LOUD cell phone conversations and conversations that take place in French, English and Farsi - all at the same time between two people - are very distracting when trying to nap.
9 It is usually better to spilt fajita'€™s with another person when you order them for a meal -€“ but I did forget to eat the last one even though we brought it home – hopefully KD ate it after I left.
10 my cell phone does not work in the Subway. I should be use to this by now, considering that it does not work in the Metro either!

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