18 March 2005
The name game, cont...
I received the following e-mail last month – yes I am really tardy sometimes about answering e-mail!
I came across your page and comment on your name. How do you pronounce Therese (It's my first name and I also use the accent marks)? The American or french way? I too hate when its mispronounced-I guess it's to be expected though as it is so unusual. I am to the point that I go by my middle name.
So, here is my response. I pronounce with the proper French accent, I would like others to do the same, but I understand that most people are trained to “swallow” their “R’s” as they are usually trained to “Roll” them - usually when being taught Spanish. As you do not pronounce my middle name as “Theres” (kind of like Theresa, but without the “A” on the end) I am usually accepting…