10 April 2005
busy answering the following this weekend - 30 pages!!!!
Using the group typology that was presented in class, describe the characteristics of the following types of terrorist groups: Left-Wing, Right-Wing, National Liberation/Separatist, Religious-based/Messianic, Single-Issue.
•Discuss ideologies/goals
•Discuss strategies/tactics
Analyze what would have to be done for each type of group to achieve its goals
What factors would contribute to a terrorist group attempting to use Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)?
•Discuss/analyze ideological propensities
•Discuss/analyze ability to obtain WMD
•Discuss/analyze perceived pros and cons of using WMD
Analyze the dilemmas posed by a liberal democracy’s response to terrorism in relation to the following areas:
•Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice Procedure/Corrections
•Independent Media/Free Press/Internet
•Use of Torture/Assassination
•The Political Process