
17 May 2005

i am... 

Okay – I am back – at least for a bit. The move went – we have been there for about a week and half and things seem to be falling into place. We have curtains up – but not all tied back yet – we are deciding on where to put the pictures, and everything. There are a few more boxes (okay, prob a few more then just a few) and adjusting to living with one another.
Melissa is finding out just how smart Kitten is! He was “knocking up” for her last night. She kept on saying “come in” thinking that it was me, and finally opened up the door and Kitten was waiting there for her! He is so funny! She was amazed to say the least.
Finals are now over – I am just awaiting my grades and my annual review will be on Thursday –hopefully all will be okay with that. I don’t think that I have done the MOST miraculous job this year – but considering all that has been going on – I don’t think that I have done too bad. But we’ll see when the review comes out on Thursday!

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