01 December 2005
Theme 2005: "Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise"
Thanks to AIDSntx.org for the image.
So things to consider this the first day of December – Also known as World AIDS day:
Worldwide ~40.3 MILLION people are now infected/living with HIV/AIDS.
~6% of that number are children.
~45% of that number are women, many of child bearing age.
It is estimated that at least 1/3 of those infected with HIV/AIDS are unaware of their disease status.
~5 million people were infected in 2005 alone.
Over 3 million people have died this year of HIV/AIDS.
HIV/AIDS was first identified/described as a transmissible disease (1981) it is estimated that at least 25 million people have died due to being infected.
The ages of 15-24 is STILL the fastest growing group, accounting for at least half of all of the new HIV/AIDS cases.
While it is becoming more and more possible to lead a “normal life” after being infected with HIV/AIDS – there is STILL NO CURE.
If you are not living in a “industrialized country” your chances of receiving drug treatment for your HIV/AIDS is less than 20%.
Many of these numbers are estimations, and it is suspected that the numbers are actually much higher, but due to lack of education, desire, and/or access to proper medical care many people are not diagnosed and treated.
Bristol-Myers Squibb has set up a site today that will donate $1.00 USD to HIV/AIDS research when you ”light a candle” on their site.
Also, if you are sexually active and want to protect yourself and your partner a Free sample of Trojan Brand Condoms can be obtained from the company directly via this site.