24 March 2005
good bye for a short bit
Happy Purim to my fellow Jews,and those that love them.
I am leaving in the am to go up to PA for the Easter weekend and KD will be coming down from NCY for the weekend too! For those of you out there worrying, have no fear: the kitten will be traveling with me in the morning as I could not expect him to stay home all along over the holiday weekend, could I? He likes going to visit places, he just does not having to get into his box for the trip.
20 March 2005
adding to your income...
So I read a few different sites everyday (or at least every couple of days). One of the sites that I read she now is selling T-Shirts with her logo on it…I must say – they are cute, I must say!
19 March 2005
Talk of the day....
kitten nightmares
I had a dream (okay nightmare) last night that I for some reason gave the kitten away to someone on my LJ friends list that I do not actually know! Now, nothing against this person – but I don’t actually know you, why would I have given you the Kitten?! There are a bunch of people that have stated that they want Kitten, if for some reason I could not have him anymore. But (in the dream), when I understood what I had done, you would not give him back as you decided that you loved him too much…it was very upsetting to say the least.
I was very happy to wake up to find the kitten kissing noses with me, trying to get me to get out of the bed so that he could have “Wet Food Wednesday!” Which I eventually did, after a good amount of morning eat pets!
18 March 2005
The name game, cont...
I received the following e-mail last month – yes I am really tardy sometimes about answering e-mail!
I came across your page and comment on your name. How do you pronounce Therese (It's my first name and I also use the accent marks)? The American or french way? I too hate when its mispronounced-I guess it's to be expected though as it is so unusual. I am to the point that I go by my middle name.
So, here is my response. I pronounce with the proper French accent, I would like others to do the same, but I understand that most people are trained to “swallow” their “R’s” as they are usually trained to “Roll” them - usually when being taught Spanish. As you do not pronounce my middle name as “Theres” (kind of like Theresa, but without the “A” on the end) I am usually accepting…
16 March 2005
Today while walking to my EM class I past a bunch of cherry blossom trees that were starting to bloom – the buds have been swelling for about a week or so, but today was the first time I have actually seen those delicate light pink petals out in the open.
For those farther up North - HAVE NO FEAR!
08 March 2005
8 march 2005
In honor of International Woman’s Day here is a little humor for you all.
(thanks to wheel.blogs.com)
07 March 2005
Yesterday as I begrudgingly walked towards the church, thinking that I would much rather take a nap at that point then spend the next hour in church, a light wind picked up. It was not really cold, it was in the 50’s, but in that wind there was that promise of spring. Earlier in the day, I had noticed that some buds had started to force on some trees bushes. It will not be much longer until spring is here, ushered in by the bloom of the cherry blossoms. I for one, am truly looking forward to the cold and dark to be put away for another year.