
21 December 2004

Ba hum Bug 

So I awoke this morning and started my day.
I fed the Kitten - for which he was grateful for and then went to go plug in my holiday lights that I have around my front door.
But when they were plugged in i discovered that they no longer worked!
I looked at the lenght of light string that was still inside the house and discovered that somehow there were a lot less light string in the house then the night before. It seemed that some how they have been pulled though the door thus breaking many lights that were inside my home.
I then opened the door to discover that someone or someones had pulled down most of my lights some time between my getting home last night, before 10 pm, and my getting up, around 7 am.
Not only were my lights and decorations torn down, but they had been smashed and then pulled down the hallway.
I reported this to the person in charge of my building and she seemed very non bothered about the whole situation...I for one am very bother simply because someone would do that for no reason at all. She told me that some people are just like that. Some people may be like that, but I pay a lot of money so that I do not have to worry about things like this. She comeplains that people do not decorate their doors/windows/balconys/terences for anything. Well, if this is what happens when people do decorate - i can understand why they do not!
I worked hard to make sure that the entrence of my home looked festive and welcoming for the holiday season. I made sure that it would not bother people of different faiths. Many of the little children and adults in my building have told me how nice and festive the area looked.

But that was before this mornings discovery.

I have not decided if I will hang up new lights, seeing as the other strings have now been ruined. I am not really sure if it is worth it to spend money, granted it is not a ton on money but it is still the point of having to spend money, if people are just going to destroy eveything again, you know?

13 December 2004

Top 10 from NYC this past weekend! 

1 yes I already knew it -€“ but living space is at premium in NYC and the area around it– no matter were one is living. The housing prices are amazing to see!
2 NY’s health department has not yet banned the use of razor blades while getting a pedicure - €“ both KD and I are very grateful!
3 While on our way to Canal Street on Saturday, one woman in particular was - €œcoming down - € and it was just no a pretty site to see and hear her. It was even worse when she flipped out and called us names when no one gave her any money -€“ I think that the whole train was a bit worried that she was going to fly off and attack someone.
4 The corner shop can make some REALLY yummy breakfast sandwiches! And they are cheap too!
5 KD found out that I really don'€™t move in my sleep -€“ I tend to bang around in bed!
6 I got some new bags this weekend - yes bags and not shoes -€“ one we will just call a work of art and leave it at that - I'€™ll try to get some pictures of it posted at some point!
7 KD’s roomies and friends are all very nice
8 I will remember to get onto the "œquite" train car from now on - little children being little children, LOUD cell phone conversations and conversations that take place in French, English and Farsi - all at the same time between two people - are very distracting when trying to nap.
9 It is usually better to spilt fajita'€™s with another person when you order them for a meal -€“ but I did forget to eat the last one even though we brought it home – hopefully KD ate it after I left.
10 my cell phone does not work in the Subway. I should be use to this by now, considering that it does not work in the Metro either!

A letter for Abigail 

Dear Abs,
I am sorry that I did not go with you this morning for our usually Metro walk. You see, my Father gave me a gift for the holidays that I needed to turn in. It seems that he thought that I would like a 5 gallon container of change.
Yes, that is right – a container of change. This would be the container that he has been collecting change in for many years.
Needless to say, I really could not think of a good use for that many rolls of pennies, nickels and dimes. How many rolls you ask, well the grand total of my present ended up being a bit over 200 dollars in coins. Approximately two thirds of that was in PENNIES. Yes, you just heard, read, me correctly.
Thankfully, he did roll it for me, so I just had to turn it all in. But it still was a sight to see me trying to lug that amount of rolled coins into the bank this morning.
They looked at me really oddly when I asked for rolls of quarters at the end of that transaction. The woman looked at me, blanched and then asked if I wanted the whole amount of money that I just handed in back in quarters. I told her that I did not plan to use that much in the meters as I usually take the metro. She told me that it was a good thing, as they would probably have to special order that amount of quarters for me, as they need at least a few rolls for other customers.
I am now wondering if they will reject my membership at the credit union.
I’ll keep you posted.
I should be back to our normal schedule later on this week, but I will be missing Friday as I will be busy recouping from surgery.
Talk to you soon,

08 December 2004

So I had breakfast with my father this morning at Dulles airport. He came over this morning to my place and dropped off his car and then we drove over to the airport. He is going to Florida for a week to take care of some what was my grandfather’s things, and are now our things. It was a bit depressing as we were talking about the estate and what all is going to happen when he dies. I know that this day will come sooner than later and he has always been really honest with me about death. It seemed to move from the abstract to the real as we talked this morning. It made me realize that for as much as he upsets me at times that he really does love me and sometimes just gets so bogged down worrying about things that he can be a bit over critical. He told me that he knows that he does this and that he is sorry and that he is very proud of everything that I have over come to become the person that I am.

01 December 2004

(thanks to ippf.org)

14,000 people will be infected with HIV
7,700 of them will be 24 or younger
7,500 - more than half- will be women or girls.

Visit the Aids Quilt Site for more information and see to images of the Aids Quilt. There are more than 82,838 names on the total quilt which is 1,278,675 sf. This project only represents about 17.5% of all person in the United States of America that have died from HIV/AIDS.
Here in the Nations Capitol is estimated that between 1:12 to 1:20 people have HIV/AIDS, which is the highest rate per person in the country.
To those that I have been lucky enough to have known, that have lost their lives to this terrible disease you will never be forgotten.
For those that I know living with HIV/AIDS, you have not allowed this disease to control and determine who you are, thank you.
(thanks to breakingthesilence.com)

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