
28 July 2004

Last night as I was watching the DNC and eating dinner, I almost choked. No, I already knew that Ron Reagan (the son of one of the most popular Republican Presidents ever) would be speaking and I decided with nothing else really on, it would be interesting to see what he would have to say about Stem Cell research. Everything was going fine until he stated that no fetuses would be and are harmed by Stem Cell research. Thankfully, I was just about to sip my water when this statement was said, otherwise the Kitten would have been covered in water, which he hates. (102. I drink at least a half-gallon of water each day, usually more.)

(Picture thanks to CHARFOOS &CHRISTENSEN, P.C. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW - A source that I want to make sure that I reference!)
As we can see from this chart, the fetal stage starts at about 9 weeks. And yes, there are some other sources of stem cells from:
A. (Already) living humans
B. Cord Blood
Here is an example of how cells divide once the egg and sperm come together.
(Thanks to “bio102.net” for the image!)
But the most promising type of stem cells seems to be from the pre-embryonic stages of development. This was a point that was totally ignored last night. It was glossed over. And yes, I know that it was to be a short speech, but still – give us some substance! Was he afraid that the general public would flip out? Yea…they probably would have, but still. In science we complain about the lack of knowledge that the general public has about how science works. And yet this is the same general population that gets their knickers all twisted up when they think that some scientific issue that be in conflict with their own beliefs. If medics (and in this case, politicians) just took the time to explain the how’s and why’s of what we do, I think that more people would be willing to listen and understand as apposed to just listening to what they are told to believe!
Guess what Ron, you want to help science, start explaining the theories and reasons for the things that we do!

27 July 2004

1. I was an only child until I was 26 years old.
2. I grew up about half way between Philadelphia and Lancaster.
3. I was the fist one in my Mother’s family to be born out side of either Philadelphia or Ireland in many generations.
4. I have naturally curly (and very unruly) hair.
5. It was very long (sitting on length when uncurled) until a few months ago.
6. I picked a major before going into college, and stuck with it.
7. I did however, change one of my minors.
8. I hate chemistry, but I am actually very good at it.
9. It took me two tries to pass Organic Chemistry.
10. But I did do it!
11. I have wanted to be a doctor since I was about 4 years old.
12. When I was in college I decided that I did not want to go to medical school.
13. I decided to do a Ph.D. track instead.
14. My problems in organic had nothing to do with my decision not to go to medical school.
15. I have already finished a “Pre-Doc” fellowship at the NIH.
16. After the fellowship, I decided that I no longer want to work with animals.
17. I also decided that it (REALLY) sucks when both your patients and your animals do nothing but die.
18. I never wanted to be a rock star when I was growing up.
19. “The Kitten” presently owns me – and he is very bad.
20. I have had hormone related health issues since I was 11.
21. My bra and underwear always match.
22. It is very uncommon for my toenails not to be painted.
23. I have an aversion to (my own) body hair.
24. I cannot wait until I get laser hair removal.
25. I am severely dyslexic along with a few other learning differences.
26. I was not diagnosed until I was 9 years old.
27. The doctors told my parents that they did not know if I would ever finish high school if it was not treated.
28. I ended up going to a special school so that I could learn “coping skills”.
29. I no longer test as having learning differences, but the results are not as “clean” as a person that never had a learning difference.
30. I hate the word disability, in case you did not notice.
31. I come from a long line of people that are only blue eyed.
32. I my eyes are more of the blue green variety.
33. Most of the women in my family are 5’6” and above.
34. I am only 5’2.5” tall.
35. I am one of the shortest people in my family.
36. I have some of the smallest feet in my family.
37. I own about 40 pairs of shoes.
38. I wear them all on a semi regular basis.
39. It has been mentioned to me that I am very affectionate with my friends.
40. It has also been observed that it is not the same with the guys that I date until it is decided that we are an item.
41. My middle name is Therese (with the accents agu and grave added, please).
42. It is French, and I get upset when people pronounce it incorrectly.
43. My mother came up with my middle name because St. Therese, the little child of 44. Jesus has always been her favorite saint.
45. She still calls me up with “Rose Alerts” when she finds a random rose and she has been praying to St. Therese.
46. My Mother calls me, a lot.
47. I will never have (or will do my best never to have) only one child.
48. There is WAY too much pressure to be “perfect” (aka: no large screw ups) when you are the only one.
49. My toenails are pained “mirror” right now. (Really, they look a mirror!)
50. I cannot stop looking at my toes as they look so cool!
51. My last name has been changed three times since my Grandfather’s Parents came to this country.
52. Each time, it was changed to sound “less Jewish”.
53. It is a “common” converted name for Jews.
54. I am a very determined person.
55. As in, I am determined to finish this list.
56. I will not be doing an A to Z as Lara suggested last night, at least not for a long time.
57. I usually feel like I am an impatient person.
58. I have been told many times that people think that I am patient.
59. When I was in college I chose to do Hospice for my “Patient Interaction and Contact” for medical school.
60. Most of my patients were cancer patients.
61. My last two were AIDS patients.
62. I decided then, that AIDS has to be one of the worse ways to die.
63. I hate horror films.
64. I dislike “romance novels”.
65. I push away when I feel smothered.
66. Shellfish causes me to go into anaphylaxis.
67. I do not eat any type of seafood (unless it is Kosher) as I cannot be sure that 68. I will not have a reaction.
69. The allergist informed that I am not allergic to lobster (according to the tests), but I have been told not to try – “it just in case”.
70. I have never liked seafood.
71. The three foods my parents love the most, I am allergic to.
72. The foods are: Mushrooms, Seafood, and Nuts.
73. I can usually be found wearing skirts year round.
74. I have only gone to Catholic schools (with the exception of the “special” school for three years) since kindergarten.
75. When I was little, my Mother and I would speak in French a lot of the time.
76. I can still read it passably and understand it, but have a lot of trouble speaking it.
77. I also know an acceptable amount of Yiddish.
78. I knew all of my grandparents.
79. I only have my Father’s Mother (my Nana) left now.
80. I knew 2 of my great-grandparents.
81. My Great-Grandmother was alive until I was in high school.
82. My Great-Grandfather died when I was 3.
83. They were both from my Fathers side and were immigrants from the old country.
84. The country that they are from (The Austrian Hungarian Empire) is no longer in existence, which can make it hard to find information about my family.
85. Sadly, it is a good thing that the Nazis took such good records.
86. I get very annoyed when people pronounce my first name as “Sondra”.
87. I also get ticked when people spell my nickname with a “y”, only after they have been corrected, of course.
88. My favorite colour is blue.
89. I also like pink, purple, and green.
90. Many have described me as a “girly girl”.
91. I love to sleep.
92. I also enjoy cooking for people, and get very unmotivated when there is no one to cook for.
93. I want to stay home and raise my children if and when I get married and have children.
94. I do not want to live in D.C. for the rest of my life.
95. I hate to wake up, and can be pretty grumpy until I am awake and I have had my coffee.
96. I love kosher dill pickles.
97. One of my favorite snacks is celery with cream cheese and green olives – yummy!
98. I love the ocean, and could not imagine not living within driving distance of it.
99. I have a skin disorder (psoriasis) that is easily cured by sitting in the sun. (My Mother says that of course, I would have a skin disorder that would require me to get a tan!)
100. I like meeting new people, but can get very “chatty” when I am nervous.
101. I love naps.

26 July 2004

I was asked if I would be able to come up with one of those "101 things about me" lists awhile back...I am working on it right now...

24 July 2004

This is so very cool! Audio blogger actually works. I am never too sure if I really sound like I do when I hear my voice on tape (or whatever the media) but it is still really cool to be able to make a phone call and have a post. (I know that the last statement is a bit odd considering that I am on the show.) I was waiting around here at work for an incubation time to be done, and decided to investigate the audio posting system that I had signed up for a while ago - who would have ever thought that it would work? Yea Blogger! Oh, and being able to just e-mail this comment to my blog, makes the whole thing even better!

this is an audio post - click to play

22 July 2004

Sorry for the lack of good posts...it has been very busy around the lab and with life in general. I'll be back to my normal self shortly...either that or the men in white coats will come and take me away...

21 July 2004

Quote from yesterday:
"So, I am guessing from everything I have heard, that they have not moved too far away from the petri dish..." - Dan

20 July 2004

Boys and Movies... 

Not much has been going on with me since the last time I really wrote….I STILL want to know to wrote that comment…it is driving me up a wall…
I have to find out if I’ll be going out of town or not this weekend. It could be a “girls weekend down the shore” with Melissa, but we are still waiting to hear what’s going on from her brother.
Random discussion (via e-mail) between Melissa and I about what I am wearing tonight (as she we are female and the discussion always comes around to what we are, or are not wearing) as I am going out to the movies with Dan (yes, from last week) tonight.
Me: “…I'll need to get myself into a sweater just in case the movies are a bit cold... I think that we have passed the age where making out at the movies is acceptable...”
Melissa: “Not sure where the logic in that last part came from, but I stopped making out in movies at 16!!!!”
Now where did this topic come from? Let me explain, sorry for those that already know most of this. In the lab there are not a lot of females. We have a female lab manager (who’s married), the big boss is female (and married), and a female grad student doing a rotation for the summer (and of course, she is married). Thus this leaves me as the lone single female in the lab. Now, I personally do not have a problem with this one. But, and you know it is going down hill from here, the boys in the lab do. Not all of the boys I should point out. Chris is fine with it and Jerry doesn’t have much to say on the topic – but then again he’s new…but from the rest of the boys…I get so much flack. And it is stupid. Really, really, really stupid. You know.
When the flack from last weeks out died out with the end of the workweek, I thought that I would be safe.
I was until yesterday at lunch. (See it did not last very long!)
As we were all sitting around eating (some still doing experiments so they were in and out, but still within ear shot) I was asked what ever happened to “the guy from last week”. I looked questioningly at them, cocked an eyebrow and ask for a more details. They wanted to know if any thing was going on.
As in, and I quote “did he really find you to acceptable enough to spend more time with, because after all you did not put out last week!”
(…ummm…putting out…that’s a topic for another day…)
But anyway, I informed them that I had plans with him to go see De-lovely, and right away they started in on me about making out in movie theatres. Now maybe be it is just me, but I think Melissa hit the nail right on the head with her comment. I was talking to my friend Vicki about the whole conversation…she said that it is just proof that I am no longer a teenager.
Oh, the other interesting thing that was said at lunchtime was that it was pretty much agreed between the guys that anything over 10 minutes of “making out”, should automatically lead to sex…and if that’s not on the table that men should be informed of this before hand as it is just a waste of time for them…as “No guy just like to make out with a chick for a long period of time because it is no fun!”
I think that the boy’s and I are living in two very different universes…

(thanks to Chris over at “mywebpages.Comcast.net/zero101” This is his own original comic strip!)

Lets see if sending an e-mail to Blogger really makes it come up on the blog...

19 July 2004

to whom do I give credit? 

I found one of the oddest comments today (when I checked my e-mail this morning) on LJ…
From my entry on the 8th of this month, which they quoted, and then responded:

But the front closures on them feel a bit different than the regular closures that are in the back.

Oh, gosh - the front closure must rank as one of mankind's most important achivements, next to fire and the wheel. Just think - the back hook-and-loop closure is almost impossible to navigate, and while I am a fan of tantalization and titillation (pun intended), "fumbling awkwardly" doesn't build the suspense at all. No, the front closure is the thing. Most of them are built so that a light hold and some gentle thumb action to get the nipples interested through the cloth can lead easily to a quick pop! and there you are. What more could you or your partner want? No more awkward high-school groping, no need to hike yourself up from the bed or couch. Go from "interested" to "involved" in a quick moment.”

I am guessing VA from the ISP…anyone want to own up to it?

16 July 2004

WDAV this week... 

I have been unable to publish this weeks "Sex Column" here as Blogger keeps on *&$*% the post...maybe it is the over use of some "sexually explicit" words and thoughts that The Ministry of Information, Communication and the Arts in Singapore could not handle.
Maybe the Ministry is with Blogger...trying to keep us all pure...You’ll be able to read it here as soon as Dave update the site. Once again, I am so sorry about the mess up.
Hopefully Blogger will be able to get their act together soon...
Have a wonderful weekend!

15 July 2004

Good news! 

A very big round of applause goes out to Lara on her new job!


I feel so loved. I have made it onto this List! "Woo Hoo!" to quote Jules!

13 July 2004


Well…it is another busy day here in the lab, but at least after work I am going out for a fun night! So, the Kitten is 3 today. He enjoyed the morning with a nice long ear rub and a serving of wet food. He should be a (somewhat) happy Kitten today. I am thinking that he would be much happier if he got wet food and ear rubs all day, but sadly, the bills must be paid, so I am at work. I never did get around to taking the muscle relaxers last night as I ended up having a drink with L (in person) and Kate (via the phone) after a…well…umm…how do I put this…interesting phone conversation with a person from my past earlier in the night. It was one of those “out of the blue” phone calls that you just cannot really figure out, and just throws you for a loop. L and I had a long talk about some of the people in our pasts and if some friendships are even worth saving and if (in some cases) there really is anything left to save. I decided that I needed to on top of things today and just went to bed when L went home. (NOTE TO L: Update or you are being removed!)
But back to the topic at hand, my birthday is coming up (FYI: 31 August) in a few short bits, and I’ll be leaving my mid twenties behind. Someone asked me at my cousins wedding last month how I felt about turning 27. I am not really bothered by it, to tell the truth. But, the question got me thinking about what I have learned in since I started college (18, almost in my twenties). And it basically can be broken down in the following way.

Getting to know me:
In ’96, I went away to college. I had dated 3 different guys in high school. All very different and none of them, that “perfect fit” that we are told about. The “perfect fit” – the ability to tell your children that their father and you were “high school sweethearts”. Considering that I was now without with my family and childhood friends nearby, I decided to look upon the situations advantages. I now had the ability to learn and explore the person that I was, without worry and ridicule, or something like that. So the logical step was for me to take time off from dating. I wanted time to get to know who I was and what I thought. I wanted time to get comfortable with me. So for the first year and half of college, I really did not date anyone. So needless to say, I learned the most fundamental of lessons during this time: how to be me. Sadly there is not an instruction manual on growing up and you make a lot of mistakes along away. I have decided that it does not mater the path that you take in life, just as long as you end up at the right destination for yourself.

The downfalls of boys…and the advantages of being in the “wrong” relationship…And then I dated one person for a summer and when that did not work, I ended up meeting and dating a lot of different people. One person stuck out. I really cannot say why now. Maybe it was because he was not going to be around for long - he was visiting for the semester so that he could do an internship here in D.C. before he graduated from a far off college. Maybe it was just the excitement of everything. And eventually, things just snowballed from there. For over two years it was he and I. He stayed here (far away from his family, friends and loved ones) while I finished up college. But, needless to say, it ended up not working out. It was a messy breakup, to put it mildly. So, that puts me at 22/23. Moving out of my early twenties the following life lessons were learned:(A) when a person is not right for you, (B) how and when to stand up for yourself, (C) and who my real friends are.

Yes, I am single. Now get over it…I spent my mid twenties getting comfortable (again) in my own skin, not as easy as it may sound. I had the most wonderful of roomies (Dave) during these years. Once I was willing (and able) to face the world of dating again, I became what the roomie called “the breaker of little boys hearts”. It was not meant to be evil or to get out some hostility towards men in any way. They all had the same “three month rule”. During this time it was acceptable (for either one of us) to still date other people. I would warn them ahead of time, if they were looking for just sex, that they would have to look else where as I was not going to be “putting out”. It is funny, I had a guy actually try to persuade me out of this idea, but as far as I was (and am) concerned for me – I waited long enough and have always been careful (not that everything ended up being perfect) to worry about “what if something went wrong” with some guy that I do not even know. But needless today, sometimes I did not think things were going well or they did not and so nothing very serious came out of those relationships – but I did meet some really cool guys who I still consider to be friends. I also started grad school, which oddly enough is easier than undergrad – but then again I don’t have those dreaded chemistry classes! I also had a job during this time that was less than satisfactory on so many levels. I remembered the lessons that I had learned before and drew upon them – even though I ended up losing my job because I fought what was wrong (and to be honest illegal). But I did end up with a much better (and cooler) job in the end.
So in my mid twenties I learned that (A) You really can live without sex (B) That chocolate is not always a good substitute for sex (not that same loving feeling…it likes to attach itself to my hips too much) (C) That chocolate with caramel is even better than plain chocolate, but usually has more calories so you have to eat less of it (D) Your real friends will stick with you through thick and thin (and that they still love you in spite of the wider hips from the above mentioned sweets) (E) That sometimes getting to a good place, you have to travel to hell and learn to deal with the heat, at least for a bit.

So, what’s next??
I don’t know what is next. Hey, I am not even at that marker yet – although I can see it in the near distance…I’ll keep you posted…

Okay, In other news Melissa has decided that we (she and I) are going out on Thursday for what is promising to be a very long night of girl bonding and drinking. Note to self, do not drive to work on Thursday as I (a) probably will not be able to drive home and (b) may not remember where the car is…

12 July 2004

I have been having some pain in my shoulder/arm/neck this past weekend. So, this morning I called the doctors office to get an appointment. Well…they had an opening for the morning – an hour from then and I was still in my PJ’s trying to drink my first cup of coffee…I was not a happy camper. I was even less happy when I found out that I would not be seeing my doctor, but the nasty Nurse. Yes, the same on that asked if I had been “very friendly” with “a lot of different men” before I “rediscovered your true gift from god and reclaimed your virginity”…um lady…I never said ANY of those things…You took it upon yourself to come up with these ideas…But anyway, she gave me a scrip for muscle relaxers and sent me on my way. I dropped them off and was told that they would be ready in about 20 minutes. Okay, I can live with that. I walked around the city a bit and then went back to pick up the rx about 40 minutes later. They told me that there were at least 5 people waiting in front of me and they were not sure how long it would be, but that I could wait if I wanted to. I asked them until what time they were open (10:00pm, 22:00hrs) and I said that I would be back before they closed. The funny thing is, the rx tech tried to convince me to stay and wait for the rx. I asked her again if she knew how long it would be, and once again she replied “The pharmacist apologizes for the delay and we will have your medicine ready for you shortly if you will just wait.” …Ummm…so, if I did leave they would not have it ready any time soon? Does this mean that when I go back tonight after work, it still will not be ready? I really have to wonder sometimes, you know. So I left and went to work. It has been a pretty busy day here. Running to and fro. But soon, it will be time to leave. I was going to meet up with a friend after work to pick up but my rx and a drink – she had a very good laugh when she found out what the rx was for…I promised her that I would have a drink first and then a few hours later (like right before bed) I would take the medicine. Still, she laughed. It is a good thing that she laughed before as I have just received and e-mail from her telling me that she has to cancel our drink so that she can finish up working on a nasty situation at work…oh well…it is probably better in the long run.
Oh, on a happy note The Kitten Turns 3 tomorrow. I am thinking that he may get an extra “wet food” day for it…

08 July 2004


While looking for something appropriate (because lets be honest, this posting is going to be going down hill in a short bit) for encouragement and to congratulate a grad student in our lab as he had oral comps yesterday (and he passed with flying colours!), I found this nifty little diagram that explains the PhD process… (Thanks U of North Co!)
Okay, so shall we start down the slippery slope? There may be a few TMI things, but there is also some (okay a lot) of complaining going on here…so you have been forewarned.
Ahhh…the joy of Racer back bras (The example picture is thanks to Lands’ End.)
I am enjoying my new racer back bras and the way that they lift and support! But the front closures on them feel a bit different than the regular closures that are in the back. I need something positive right now, as I am dealing with the cramps from hell today. (See Mike, I told you that I was not “in the family way”. I know that you really want a playmate for the beautiful Gracie, but for right now – this uterus is closed for business.)
There really is not a whole lot going on right now with me or in my life. The car’s battery died and I am going to have to wait until the next paycheck to get it fixed. My Father told me that the car had been checked out before I used it. But then again – this is the same man that said that the car was “perfect” and then the breaks failed…yeah…and remind me how did this car actually pass inspection? I told him that I thought that the breaks were a bit lose, but he kind of just passed me off…thankfully he was driving and not me as he had solid proof that the breaks were lose. Oh, and the seat belts don’t always work. They are those automatic ones that slide up and down…well they don’t really slide down at all. And the emergency release on them does not work either…I think that the car is a death trap to be honest with you…Speaking of cars, I had a very odd dream last night. I dreamed that I went a bought a Saturn.
(thanks to Integratedlearning.com)
But it ended up being totally wrong as not only was it the wrong model and colour but it was automatic and did not have a sunroof…I think that it ended up being Dave’s car...I got them to exchange it, but I was also trying to hide a coffee stain from them too…It was all very odd…there were no papers for me to sign, I just came in and they gave me keys…I dreamed about some other odd things right now, but of course they have slipped away from my memory…But then again these days I am just happy when I am able to fall asleep. I have been having problems falling asleep at night, but then I wake up a few hours later dying of hunger…
(thanks to “fromtheheartpostcards.com”) it has been the oddest of things. Also, I have been waking up to go to the bathroom…something that almost never happens…I think that it is time for me to go see the doctor about all of this…Oh, I think that I may have my first case of PMS…from my description of it, every female that I have asked about it has told me that this is what it is…So I am hoping that the whole sleep thing is just related to PMS…but God help me, I really don’t think that I can deal with this every single month…any advise out there on how to deal with it for right now?

02 July 2004


I got a comment from Zen Chick yesterday on the Cicada piece that I wrote. I am sad to say, that this morning I only heard the songs for a moment or two. But at least I’ll be back on the Metro so I can get my reading done. I am guessing that she (Zen Chick, not the Cicadas) found me though a few comments that I have made on other’s journals. Cool!
So...yesterday I was looking at the DCBloggers
site when I clicked on a linked called “Located in DC". You can imagine my surprised when I found out that it belonged my long time college buddy Myra! I then noticed that she had a link to my friend Jon’s blog…Dear God, maybe CUA is the back hole of the Universe…or at least as Myra said yesterday something that you cannot ever escape.

Also, some of you may have noticed that I have changed a few links on the page – if you want back on or to be added, let me know…maybe we can work something out.

01 July 2004

songs of nature... 

It is another day here in the lab and already it promises to be a busy one, but then again what else is new?
When I actually drive to work, I’ll cut though Rock Creek Park so that I can get over to Wisconsin Ave easily and with out a whole lot of traffic back ups. The past few days I have been hearing the last of the Brood X singing their songs of love.
(Thank you to NC State for this picture.)
It is funny; I kind of remember when they hatched out 17 years ago. I remember finding more of their cases than normal that year, but I really don’t remember seeing the Cicadas themselves.
(Thanks savvygardner.com)
For a while down here all anyone talking about was how “The Cicadas Are Coming!!!” It was almost like the apocalypse was upon us. It was all over the news. Entomologists were warning that the noise would be as loud (if not louder) than standing next to a speaker at a rock concert – I found this very hard to believe as I still had not heard even one of them! Where were these damn bugs?
And then one day as I walked out in the morning to drink my coffee and read the paper I heard this odd noise…At first I thought that someone’s car belts were not adjusted correctly. I kept on waiting to see where the car was – but there was no one around. The occasional car would drive by on the road that my apartment was on – but no matter what the sound did not change. The sounds seemed to be all around me…not coming from one direction in particular. And then I realized – it was the cicadas. Cicada Songs - for your listening enjoyment! But they were not really loud – it was like a low humming noise in the background. I thought to myself “These people that say they are so loud are crazy!”…And then I found out how wrong I was.
At a pool party (over at Phil’s) they were so loud that in order to hear the person next to you speaking, they had to shout! When you went in the house, your ear hurt and rang for a good long time afterwards…Okay, so maybe these bug people were right…I got use to seeing them on my way to the Metro in the morning. Many days, they too were walking along the path to the Metro. They are notoriously bad fliers and are pretty dumb as they fly into everything and everyone. They would fly into cars and Metro trains and hitch rides to other parts of the city – on second thought, maybe they are not as dumb as I first thought. People (men and women alike) would sometimes scream and screech as they were “attacked” by a Cicada. Personally, I kind of liked them. Odd-looking little bugs. But they don’t bite (they actually don’t eat once they emerge from the ground, their only mission once they sprout wings is to carry on their race! Talk about a one-track mind!), they are not a sign of dirtiness (unlike this insect that gives me the "heebie jeeves just by looking at the picture!! Uggg!).
Ewww! Ewww! EWWW! Okay…I am over it now…somewhat…ahhh!
**Shakes herself all over just to make sure that the picture did not come alive**
But anyway, back to the cicadas – so I got use to the sounds of them and then once day as I was walking outside I discovered that it was quiet…they were gone. Yes, every once in awhile I would find one doing the “walk of death” or I would hear one or two of them singing…So, as much as I have wanted to take the metro to work this week (I have a bunch of 7 day express books that I want to read before they are due, as I cannot renew them for a month) I have been driving just so I can hear the cicadas sing. I have noticed that as the week has worn on, their sounds are diminishing…
Hopefully when they come out again in 17 years, I’ll have a place of my own with a few trees where I can once again enjoy their songs of love…

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