
29 November 2003

The weekend 

So I have had my first thanksgiving without Turkey...We had grilled tenderloin...I am still not sure how I feel about that...
We'll be blasting off for NYC at lunch time on Saturday...Hopefully I'll be able to see Jules, I have been banned for playing in the city by Elisabeth as I am there to "see family not hang out with your friends in one of the worst cities in the world!"...But could Elisabeth say no to the same general area?
Don't Answer That!!!
Ahhh...Only a few more days until I am back in D.C....
I waited around all day today to go to the store as Elisabeth kept on saying that she wanted to go too, but kept on calling people and doing other things, which was fine, but I just wanted to pick up a few things at the drug store..So much for those plans...

26 November 2003


Met up with KD and Julian and a bunch of people last night as the corn bread was not ready yet to be used in the stuffing. I have promised Patrick that I will be "on-call" in case he has any questions about the stuffing or the turkey...I wonder if I can get over time for that?
So I am off in about a half hour to head on over to Union Station so that I can go back to PA for the holiday...But first I have to meet up with KD to give her the keys so that she can bond with Burt this weekend...And she and I will probably have lunch (and a few drinks) before my train leaves...
Pa - the new house...It will be nice to see how things are shaping up there as I have not been there since my mother first moved.
Saturday it is off to NYC for the weekend...
More crazy relatives visiting from across the pond...
Monday, back here to relax a bit...
Enjoy your holiday...
I do not think that I'll be posting while gone, but I'll fill in how the weekend went...

Hopefully Lara and I can escape in to the city and maybe Jules will meet up with us!

Happy Birthday Jules!

25 November 2003

Thoughts from lunch 

At lunch today, which Phil very nicely paid for, we were talking about family dinners as we are now in that season.
I have decided that I will not be able to marry, due to family dinners.
As the only child of my mother, I will have my mother, (and maybe even my father, Carolyn, Zachary (whom I would love to have!), my mothers siblings et al., Dave's family, and my husband's family.
I am thinking that it may not be too much cooking, but instead, too much mentally for me to take on mentally.
I also decided that if people really thought about family that there would be a great decrease in the rate of divorce all over the world. Just remember, no matter how bad you think your in-laws are, there are always ones that are worse out there.


So I am no longer numb, which is nice, and I am back at work. I had one of those mornings where I was riding backwards for most of the trip so my tummy was a bit upset by the time I go off the metro and into work. L
I am getting read to start and fun and exciting experiment here – it is time to go back to growing up bacteria. Hopefully these will have what I need to get the ball rolling with experiments!
I had to go look up leishmaniasis’ disease this morning – it was enough to make me think twice about going to the beach!
This morning Lara and I had a long talk about Paris Hilton – what did she ever do? Does she have brothers that will actually do something for the family business and thus her job is just to sit around and look pretty? So much that could be said…but she is not worth it!
I am taking the train up to Pa on Wednesday and probably will not have access to the internet until I get back sometime on Monday night from NYC (yes, I have to go up to NYC to go see family as my cousin Ella is being christened, and there will be a bunch of people coming in from Ireland to see her and the rest of us who have chosen to leave the home land and make our way across the pond…).
I have found out that I have two parties to go to the weekend after this one, and two the following weekend…I guess I should be happy that I am loved (or at least my cooking or something else is) but I am looking forward to the holidays being over for the simple fact that I can then just have a weekend to sleep in and do nothing…

24 November 2003


I am going to head home soon as I still have the numbness and am in much need of a break if I am going to get everything done that I need to!
My father et al. will be staying at my place (without me) over the holiday as they travel back up to Canada from Fl...
I am cooking dinner tonight for Nick, Abby and Lara...
Work EARLY in the morning and then over to Dave and Patrick's to show Patrick how to make stuffing for thanksgiving...We are not saying anything about this - although Dave's father now thinks that I have to get married and settle down (around here of course) as he was a bit put off when I told him that I was not cooking thanksgiving dinner for him - he thought that I would be...I am sure that Patrick's turkey will be fine- I have given him detailed written instructions on how/when to cook it for everyone!


Just got into work from the dentist...I am not doing well at all...I think that I got a really nasty reaction to the shot (whole face is now numb, started way after leaving! and my mond is a bit fuzzy)...Oh well...More later...Must get busy!

22 November 2003


I love Burt - But I hate the fact that he wakes me up so damn early on the weekend.
Got my train tickets to go home for the holiday...fun!
More later...
Off to clean and make things pretty!

21 November 2003


So I am going to leave work now, but I am not due at KD's until 6:00 pm at the earliest. Phil has given me another project, make that project #6 on my list, all of which I am doing at the same time, so I think that I'll just go print out the article and take with me to read over the weekend, or while I am getting feet looked after...I saw that there was a nail place near her, and I have all of the needed tools in my bag. Maybe I'll go get a nice pedicure if it is not too much!

I'll be in work late on Monday as I need to go get that cavity fixed so it does not ruin my beautiful smile and all of the dental work that my parents have paid for!

It's Friday! 

So it seems that my experiment worked last night, or at least I have bacteria growing on my plates...

Dinner party tonight at KD's place, and then the radio show.

Saturday morning - all to myself and Burt!

Saturday night - Over to Melissa's for drinking and holiday decorations...

Sunday - memorial Service for Dr. Nicky

....Not a bad weekend....

20 November 2003

Good Night! 

I am finally leaving work...
At least I will not here this weekend!


I found my contacts this morning...
They were in with the TP in the linen closet...
Silly me for not looking there in the first place...


So, Rana just e-mailed me, She cannot go out after work today. :(
On to the PSA - I got my new additions of the MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report - A publication of the CDC) - and I am so excited to read as this weeks topic is "Primary and Secondary Syphilis - United States, 2002"
Over all, just from the tables, the rates have gone up -Total number of cases in 2001 - 6,301 (2.2 rate) and in 2002 it was 6,862 (2.4 Rate)!
The top three cities are:
NYC: 435 Case (27.5 Male to Female Rate Ratio of Infection)
LA: 359 Cases (19.2 Male to Female Rate Ratio of Infection)
Chicago: 353 Cases (7.7 male to Female Rate Ratio of Infection)

If anyone would like more information including your city (if listed) - let me know!

yes...I am a nerd...

Another PCR 

So some of the PCR that I did yesterday work, but not all of it. :(
Out of 10 samples, I'll have to try 6 of them again.
Phil said that it was okay as the ones that did not work, were the ones that had a lower concentration of DNA.
So, we'll up the DNA in the PCR reaction, and try it again!
He is so nice!

19 November 2003

Birthday present? 

[from CNN]
Authorities issue arrest warrant for entertainer Michael Jackson on one count of child molestation, police say. Details soon.


18 November 2003

A bit early... 

I looked out my lab window at 5:15 pm today, and already it was totally dark...I am not ready for winter.

I know it is not until the 19th -


I just did not want you to think that I had forgotten it!
I mean, what would happen if you looked at my page at 12:01 am and did not see anything?
I am sorry that I am not there to celebrate it with you!


I am feeling a bit ill today - cramps and such...So I'll allow something other than myself to amuse you...

For those that would like to know what I am up to at work, check this out...Not quite as exciting as we cannot afford this set up...But you'll get the basic idea.
And just for CV - on the first video, check out the cell that comes in just to watch the death of another....

Personal note - Kate i need your father work address so that I can send him some things...not that I can find the damn contacts since i have moved! Any idea where they may be?

17 November 2003

I'm in love...and a new feature! 

I am in love with my new brother!
He is just too cute and so wonderful!
But I will admit that I would have loved to have that copper coloured hair that he has...But oh well...Women pay lots of money to just come close to that colour...I am going to try to figure out how to post a picture of him up...

But other than seeing my brother this weekend, not too much happened. Got to see my Father and Carolyn (of course- what's a 6.5 week baby going to do, drive himself?) which was nice and they left (and took Zachary away with them, damn them!) early Sunday afternoon and Melissa came over for a bit and we did some therapy shopping...Always a good idea when boys are mean and then KD came over for dinner. It was a nice weekend, but needless to say, not much got done in putting things away (well, my room is not put in order, but there are still a few boxes left around the living room...) or in the way of sleep...I am hoping that I am able to catch up on sleep some time soon...

Also, if you would please, there is a guest map, so you can mark where you are and who you are! I have to thank Zoe who's blog I came across for the map...

As if... 

If you have not check out the link to Dave's Radio Show (or tuned in/visited) you should. Also, you would have missed on of the last shows that was done before the break up of the apartment where we looked at kittens who played in a rock band. As if it was not bad enough the first time, they have added another song to the list... Take a Listen

Let me know what you think....

DC Metro Blog Map! 

I am here!

I am very excited!

Thank you Maureen!

Quiz... and win prizes too! 

The quiz today has two parts:

1.) What would you think if you saw this flag flying?

2.) What does this flag really mean?

Flag in Question

I will leave this open for a week and see if we get any answers...Prizes will be awarded for the most original answer on the first part of the quiz...Also, the story of how this flag got my attention and the comment made about on this flag will be posted at that time!

Sorry Kate, as the one that started all of this you are not allowed to win the contest, unless of course no one else answers...

14 November 2003


It is cold here!
It is very cold!
But, everyone in the lab keeps on telling me that it is just me and that it is really not that cold...

I am thinking of going home soon so that I can warm up and get ready for my brothers coming!


13 November 2003

The Pain of Embarrassment 

So last night, I went to the food store to pick up a few things. Seems kind of straightforward right? I am trying to be good now that I have my own place that takes up a big chunk of my monthly income. So I am making large quantities of food so that I can take my lunch to work eat dinner at home etc. So I guess I went a little over board last night...I, of course, did not understand this until I started my walk home.

For all of you that do not know my whole life situation, I do not own a car. For two years I lived with Dave and he had a car and let me use it when I needed/wanted it. And just for him - I really loved living with you, and yes I am still VERY sorry about that whole “First Boyfriend” thing!
Getting back to the matter of this mornings title, it is not too far of a walk from the store to my place, but when carrying 4 lbs of chicken breast, 2 - 32 oz cans of mango juice, a carton of eggs, a 5lb spaghetti squash, and a bunch of others things such as apple, onions, 1.5 lbs of mayo, salad dressing, etc…it got to be a bit how shall we put it - HEAVY.

Unfortunately for me, I of course already had a full back pack from work, so I really could not put much in my bag and carry it that way, so it was those lovely plastic bags for me! After awhile the feeling in my arms went out…and my fingers…and oh yes, it was raining, pretty hard and because of the bags, I could not hold the umbrella…and it was cold and windy. Well, I am walking down the driveway of my complex when my ID (which hangs around my neck) caught two on the bags on my left arm…fearful for my eggs that were on my right arm, I could not just drop the bag to rescue my neck. Of course at this point some middle aged guy in his 4 door BMW screeches by me on his way to a packing spot and then decided to stand there on his way to the front door of his building and laugh at me, while of course he is protected by is London Fog umbrella and raincoat from the weather.

Damn you! All that I have to say to you, is that you are middle aged, living in an apartment complex and your car is probable a lease! So hopefully your car insurance company is screwing you right now! Also, you are NOT attractive, and there are probably many reasons why you had to go out and lease that car – trying to prove something buddy?
Needless to say, I finally got over being choked to death by my groceries and got into my place.

But it does not end there…

So Lara comes over so that we can watch that wonderfully trashy show The Bachelor . Last night was not as good as we hoped – I actually thought that most of the women were pretty nice to Leann…But anyway – I was in the kitchen washing dishes and went to put them away in the cabinet above my head – well these new ones are much larger than my old ones and while opening it up I ended up smacking myself really hard in the face with it…opps…I am now sporting a lovely bruise above my left eye. All that I can say is that thankfully I had not yet gotten around to plucking my eyebrows and the cut is pretty much covered…but my eye is now that wonderful shade of red/purple…I have already had to explain to a few people - "No, I was not beaten up by someone, my cabinets attacked me…" maybe I should contact Fax for their next special “When Household Items Attack!”…It could work…and now back to the lab and to get more ice for my eye...

12 November 2003

A Poem to Bill Gates... 

Damn Microsoft excel!
Damn it for thinking it knows what I want!
Damn it for thinking for me!!!
I cannot get it to do what I want,
As it knows better than me!!!

Yes, I am back at trying to do more spread sheets of data....

Clean teeth! 

I have clean teeth!
I am right now oddly reminded of a song a former roommate would sing while running around our place about not having pants on by the above statement as in my head it is in the same tune that she would run around and sing "I have no pants! I am not wearing pants!..."
Oh well...
But anyway, went to the dentist this morning - all is well except a small (he said very small) cavity on the outside of a tooth on the left side...Well it has been more than 5 years since I have had a cavity, so I guess I can live with it!
Off to a meeting on Human Subject in Experiments...Joy of joys!

11 November 2003

A new (found) blog and other stuff... 

Who would have thought...

This ad was pointed out to me by a co-worker, who is a Catholic. What then started was a long talk about RCC and its take on things that are happening in the world. She is from Argentina, where EVERYONE is a RC...And no one would think of saying anything against the Church in public.
It was funny that she point this out to me, as just this morning on NPR they were talking about how a bishop from TX wants to start a new rule for anyone that is in office. If you are a RC, and you do not state that you are pro-life and do everything that you can do to protect life, then the Church can ex-communicate you and barred from church property...

Oh, and now, both bosses have left for the day...big boss said good bye, the the direct boss left with out a word...

Coding Pt. III 

A Counter!
So exciting!
I now have a counter!

Tummy troubles 

Why must my tummy hurt...Damn new pills from the doctor that was meant to help.
When I told her that I am sensitive to many different types of pills and I use a specific one as it does not cause side effects - what does she do? She tells me that she does not like it (nor does my Health Care Provider Network) so she is going to give me one that is LIKE the medicine that I like...
I warned her that I have had many problems, and that it took past doctors and myself many difficult years to find one that worked - without side effects...But does she listen?


Damn her...
Damn the Health Care Provider Network...
Poor tummy...

Another day... 

So I only HAVE to be here for 8.5 hours today as I was here last night until 8:30 pm. Got home, eat something that passed as dinner and when to bed. Talk to Sean for a bit last night, all is going well with him. I still do not really understand why he decided to ban people from his journal. It seems a bit silly to me, but what do I know, right?
I am going to try to get out of here at a good time (5:45 pm, thank you) so that I can go to my kick boxing class...We'll see if I'll be able to move afterwards....

10 November 2003

Time keeping sucks... 

So even if I wait until 7:00 pm to leave, I still owe 10 hours this week.
Now, sorry for all of you that live out in the "non-lab" world. I spend weeks upon weeks in the lab with out much of a break. And then I weeks like this where the world has decided to slow down...It has gotten really slow for me here right now...But in the morning, I am re-starting up all of my cultures...Joy of joys...which means that once again I will be working crazy 10 - 12 hour days!
I would like some time to just enjoy that slow time, take some hours off, clean, get to know the bed and the cat again...But no...I still have to be here at least 43.5 hours a week (8 hours a day, plus 0.5 hours a day for lunch, and it does not mater if I take lunch or not, I am charged for it...Damn them..).
I hate the fact that I work under a federal contact (grant) but I do not get federal holidays off...It seems a bit unfair to me...What do others have to say? Why can we not get both federal and institutional holidays? WHY I ASK YOU!?!?

coding...Pt II 

So, if I want to do a hyperlink and not the whole URL thingy...I think that I have it down....

Want to Google anyone?

here is the set up
1. Type the following signs/letters, please take out the spaces and dashes, otherwise this will not show up, but there is a space between the A and the H that is needed!: < - a - h - r - e - f - =

2. In quotes type out the URL with a > after the last quote: "http://google.com">

3. Type what you want the hyper link to say: Want to Google anyone?

4. End it with (samedirections as above, take out the spaces and the dashes): < - / - a - >


Where do you end up after something like this? 

You want to major in music in college, but your mother says no to this school
as it is too far away from her, so you end up at here. Now, not that the second school is bad, but it is NOT the first school!
That is always what I think of, along with a few other things when I think about my senior year prom...Thankfully, this was not me or my date, but my best friend Colleen's date. She ended up not going to our prom, as she would not allow him to hire a limo for them. Now, the plan was for me to drive, pick up her and our dates and what not. Pretty straight forward, right? Well, my parent's 1992 Honda Accord ELX was not good enough for Colleen's date. He told her, when she got in from the hair dressers that day, it was either a Limo or no date - she picked the no date. Now, one has to understand where I went to high school. It was not just a high school. It IS an All Girls Catholic Academy High School
Don't get me wrong, they made sure that we had a very good education and we were well prepared for University, but when there are rules/announcements/letters sent home stating things such as "All ladies that plan on attending the prom MUST be escorted by a properly attired male date - whose name must be submitted at least three weeks ahead of time." there really is no point in trying to explain why a student showed up with out a date...Now, Colleen's parents felt the same way about our high school as my parents did - "We are paying those nun's VERY good money, don't complain about the rules, as we are paying for those rules!"
God help you if you came home and complained about a smack down that you got at school, you would just get again and it would probably end in your losing some type of privilege such as the phone (which we all know is one of the major life lines to a teenage female), for the rest of your life! Ask those that know my parents, I really am not kidding.

So what sparked this rant about senior prom: I was looking at other blogs today and I peaked in on Kristin's (and her sister's) website (the 4th of Nov. 2003 entry). I am not sure how I feel about it...Comments?

Just for those that want to know, I was to be the 32nd person in my family to graduate from here, but ended up at this school, which is much farther away from home than my mother would have liked. Oh well...
My date went to some small college (yes a College, not a University) whose name is failing me right now...but needless to say, it was in the next town from where he had grown up...What can I say, his family is South Philly Italian, he is not allowed to move out until he is married (which he will be in June) to a very proper Italian girl, of course...
Colleen wanted to go to this school, but was rejected as her SAT Verbal's were perfect, but she was 10 points away from a perfect Math, so she had to settle for this place! Poor thing...we are still awaiting her graduation...

07 November 2003

Good bye? 

How bad would I be if I went home now? I have 6 papers that I need (want) to read, I do not get reading done in the lab that well...So I am thinking of going home and reading there (after a short nap of course!)...
...ummm....I'll go check in with the boy wonder and then I think that I will go and see the lay of the land....The Direct boss has gone...Others in the lab have not even shown up here today....ummm....

So long clinical trials! 

So I got up this morning, made it to the NIH by 6:55, including my lovely check in at the door, and was ready to start the clinical trails for MVA...I ended up getting kicked out as the person who inti. Interviewed me did not follow proper protocol...But at least I will get paid for coming in this morning. :)
No real plans for the weekend, just putting things away and getting rid of all of those damn boxes! To be free of boxes, how wonderful. I think that I'll also have to take a nap on couch in my new place, just so that it gets that nicely broken in feeling. A place is not home until you take a nap where ever you want!

On a personal note -- Kate, what good would it do for my back to have the air massaged around me? ;)

06 November 2003

Songs and other things... 

Rain, Rain, Go Away.
Don't come back another day!
We've had too much,
We're much too wet,
Rain, Rain, Go Away!!!

So my back is in pain. I am in need a good rub down. But sadly, funds are short, and I cannot afford to the salon for a nice massage!
It was pointed out to me that I could always check out
  • what use to be none of the above

  • I can just say that I hope that either myself or my back never get to the point where I would have to contact one of these people for "free services"....I think that it goes too show what kind of freaky people we have here in DC... ;) I think that I may just hang out on my heating pad and hopefully that will help, damn moving! I am not planning on moving again for a very LONG time!!!

    So, I got my flu shot today, it went pretty well. In the morning I have my testing for the clinical trial and then it unpacking boxes, all weekend long. Let me know if you want to help out!

    Kate -
  • Check this out!

  • 05 November 2003


    Today I have my WIP...
    I ended up falling asleep last night when I got home from work, my mother called and woke me up at one point, but then I fell right back to sleep until about 8:30 pm when I woke up and made some dinner for myself. Once again, I talked to Kate, and put some things away...This is going to take awhile...
    More after me WIP!

    04 November 2003


    I am worn out.
    I cannot go on anymore.
    But, there are still boxes and boxes of things every where!
    At least the moving is all done and I have finished cleaning the old place and have turned in the keys...Dave and I just have to wait to hear what they want to charge us with now. :(
    Would you believe that they made me wash the windows before I left, I really hope that they were talking about the inside windows as I would not have climbed out the window to clean them, as the apartment was on the 5th floor and I hate heights...
    I have finished my hand outs for the WIP in the morning! It has been approved by Phil, and he at least seems happy with it.
    Kate has gone. :(
    I miss her already. I was not really use to sleeping in my bed alone last night after having her here for a week. But, I have already talked to her a few times. I was asked by someone if I thought if Kate and I would cut down on the phoning now that we have spent a week together, I said that I did not think so, if anything the past week has encouraged us to chat more by making us use to having the other one around. :)
    So, in the week I have to make sure that I get things unpack and put away as the boxes are driving me mad and there are other things to do besides unpacking!

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